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Todd Shelton:  The Russians … told Metsos to drive upstate New York and bury it. … He went to New School and got a degree … in public policy. Todd Shelton: Anna Chapman …  has a piece of tradecraft -- a dedicated laptop computer specifically designed for her to load in intelligence reports, which could be transmitted to a corresponding laptop in the possession of a Russian diplomat, who also was an intelligence officer. Todd Shelton: We … immediately set up a new intelligence operation where the FBI would lie in wait, to see who ultimately would come and collect that money. … Often we pose as what we're not. Their mission was to gather sensitive information that would be sent back to Moscow, which could potentially be used to damage U.S. national security. The spies were trained in Russia and then sent to the US (often through Canada, where they could create a more believable history) in … Any individual or spy ring (a cooperating group of spies), in the service of a government, company or … … Keeping the children in the dark about what they're doing is a way to make sure that you keep their identity as secure as possible. But at the same time -- it raised a lot of questions in my mind about how many of these people do we not know about. 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"And never once did anybody suspect they would be Russian spies.". … The Murphys were my favorite. Whoop! First, he got Chapman to admit that she was using her laptop to communicate with the Russian government; then to his surprise, she gave it to him. Score: 91 with 82 ratings and reviews. And how are we going to get on that network and have a success similar to Ghost Stories? Meanwhile in New York City, another FBI undercover agent also playing a Russian government official, met with Anna Chapman at a coffee shop. ... Russian Interregator #2: [to the other interregator] I knew it! Maria Ricci: We found notebooks with codewords. Maria Ricci: And when those two computers were within a certain … proximity of each other, they would … be able to send a quick burst message back and forth. … We found an odd piece of paper that had Alt-Control-E and then a 27-character password … And we found a bunch of floppy disks. Maria Ricci: It established that there was direct contact between the … intelligence officer … and … an official of the Russian government. The film presents the comic adventures of two novice intelligence agents sent to the Soviet Union. Todd Shelton: We see the change in the tactics being employed … with Semenko and Chapman. … And he hands those to Michael Zottoli. The SBU Security Service's counterintelligence department has successfully completed a sting operation to expose a network of Russian assets recruited by the FSB from among former officers with the spec-ops forces. … All we can do … is beat them back. The next move was to figure out how the spies were communicating back and forth with headquarters, known as Center, in Moscow. I mean, I liked it there. Now the U.S. wanted them freed. The film presents the comic adventures of two novice intelligence agents sent to the Soviet Union. I have always loved that movie and there was one scene when they first get picked up in Pakistan by the 2 KGB agents as there walking away from the Jeep. There were political issues. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. The Russian operatives communicated by embedding hidden messages in images, like these photographs. Two bumbling government employees think they are U.S. spies, only to discover that they are actually decoys for Nuclear War. 0 Share Maria Ricci: They were … toddlers when I first joined the case and I watched them grow up into really great, beautiful young ladies. If … In a Virginia park, the FBI documents Michael Semenko load a dead drop. Do they have access to classified information? The solution? Todd Shelton: As an intelligence official, the number of opportunities you have to talk directly to your adversary … that's not much. That's huge. All rights reserved. … And it was the full court press. If we wanted to arrest them, could we? Todd Shelton: They don't even stop on the stairs. We didn't know when or if the Russians were going to make a decision to pull the intelligence officers back, but we had to plan accordingly. This was the moment that we've been working for, for so long. It was completely a shock. … Decades. … And then they showed me some of the surveillance they were doing, to kind of prove the point. They drove straight to that rest stop north of New York City, where two years earlier that stash of cash had been buried. Todd Shelton: Semenko takes the money, and the following day the FBI documents him through video surveillance. Todd Shelton: Heathfield had developed his own company called Future Map … in which he had a software program that he thought could help with strategic forecasting. … I can't really properly describe what a strange feeling it is to have everything that you think you know about a person be upended. … He crawls down underneath the bridge and slides this newspaper back deep into the rafters of the bridge and then leaves. We also had FBI agents … in the restaurant next to them. Todd Shelton: A small number of agents … went up to the rest stop and … Digging down a short way, they found … bundles of money that were buried in what is known … as a dead drop. Witnessing these exchanges of cash was significant. KATIE COURIC | CBS EVEING NEWS: Tonight: A spy for a spy. Turn your rating into one with ≥ 150 characters. … Through a GPS device … we affixed to the rental car that Metsos was driving, we see the car go north out of New York City to a rest stop in Wurtsboro, New York. Russian operative Christopher Metsos had been dispatched from Moscow to assist the spies. Todd Shelton: Sometimes, even the most sophisticated of intelligence operations can be undone by just some stroke of bad luck. To further strengthen the case, the FBI agent then asked Chapman to pass off a fake passport to another operative. Spies Like Us is a 1985 American comedy film directed by John Landis and starring Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Steve Forrest, and Donna Dixon. He knew five languages fluently. Leon Panetta: I don't think there's any question that … this operation protected our national security. … All the officers involved in headquarters went up 24/7 on all of our subjects. … They described what the situation was. Spies Like Us is a Stout - Russian Imperial style beer brewed by Wormtown Brewery in Worcester, MA. The FBI had prepared criminal charges against the original four couples -- now they needed to get charges on the newest operatives: Anna Chapman and Mikhail Semenko. Now the FBI's concern grew with the arrival of that new generation of operatives. And they knew that they were into something big. Alan Kohler: In 2009 a new breed of … intelligence officers … arrived in the United States, and that was in the form of Anna Chapman and Mikhail Semenko. In the U.S., the mood was decidedly different. … With every step that they got closer, that risk became greater. … Once the decision was made to arrest, and we started to move forward in the planning process, one of the key things that came about was identifying …  a window in which to act. Elizabeth Lapin: The night of the arrests, I have to say, everybody was in the streets. Todd Shelton:  Michael Zottoli seemed very easygoing. Why?" A person who commits espionage is called an espionage agent or spy.Spies help agencies uncover secret information. … The whole purpose of these 10 spies was to be able to penetrate sensitive positions. They do not go to see a Yankees game. And the repercussions of our action could impact U.S. foreign policy. … He would market this to people that he thought might be interested in it, large corporations, the military, defense. Even though designated and named as a fighter aircraft, the F-117 has no air-to-air weaponry -- it is strictly a penetration bomber an cannot engage other aircraft. … It's amazing. "Tradecraft" includes the techniques, methods and technologies that a spy uses to gather intelligence. Some of them were very philosophical about it. Alan Kohler: The moment of the arrests was … the moment we've all been waiting for … for years. Leon Panetta:  My Russian section at the CIA … asked the FBI to come over and brief me. … We had just hit the reset button with Russia. Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd co-star as hapless US government employees during the time of the Cold War who find themselves recruited by the CIA to unknowingly be decoys for the real spies on a mission to reprogram a Russian ICBM. Alan Kohler  | FBI Supervisory Special Agent: In 2004 … the spies … became more aggressive. Maria Ricci: We waited until they were on vacation. Dan Aykroyd talks about how he knows that watch he saw was Russian. The suspects accused of being secret agents for Russia. Not only had the FBI found a way into the spy ring, they made an extraordinary discovery: how the operatives communicated by embedding hidden messages in images. And then he performs the act. Last update: 01-28-2021. As the FBI prepared charges to finally arrest the Russian spies, there was yet another surprise. Todd Shelton: Christopher Metsos played a critical role in providing money and items of tradecraft to the … intelligence officers … operating in the United States. Spies Like Us (1985) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. … That was a very strong indicator to us that his next stop was going to be Wurtsboro, New York. [gestures with his hands]. Todd Shelton: For the first time, rather than being on the outside, looking in … we're reading in almost real time exactly what's happening. First published on October 13, 2020 / 11:10 PM. Copyright © 1996-2021 BeerAdvocate®. FBI agents quickly realized Christopher Metsos was sent to distribute a secret cache of money to subsidize the Russian operatives. Alan Kohler: Chapman … accepted the offer to hand a fake passport to somebody else. Todd Shelton: It was a head spinning time for us. Todd Shelton: This is a sophisticated software system designed to … hide digital messages. And I said, "Yeah, absolutely." They do not go to see a Broadway show. Todd Shelton: Mikhail Semenko and Anna Chapman, both … Russian nationals … had entered the U.S. with the hidden job of conducting intelligence work on behalf of the Russian government. Where did they get the documentation? There is a scene in the 1985 movie "Spies Like Us". They're accused of being Russian spies. It wasn't long before the FBI discovered a vital new link in the spy network: a Russian operative named Christopher Metsos had been dispatched from Moscow to assist the spies. After being interrogated, the spies, along with most of their children, were put on the same plane. We had a great life.". … This was the moment. So, we had a very short window in which to react. Sometimes it was just a question of maneuvering a little bit. For more than a decade, the FBI focused on four couples living in a NYC suburb, Washington, DC, the Boston area, and Montclair, New Jersey. And we were able to enter the system. Ed Foley: Sunday, June 27th, 2010, I'll never forget. Maria Ricci: We got information that he was in contact with somebody who could potentially be significant to the Russians and a problem for the United States. Here's a picture of my sister. And Semenko agreed to put some money underneath a bridge in Virginia. Todd Shelton: We saw … Richard Murphy … take a circuitous route to access the station … which we believe was specifically to help him identify any surveillance that might be following him. … In a lot of ways, I feel like I [laughs] knew them better than I know some members of my own family. It really was a pretty seamless transition for such a large package. Farther back in the plane were all the … Russians. "You're always wondering, what are you missing?" They wanted them to target people with more value. BOB ORR | "THE EARLY SHOW": On an airport tarmac in Vienna, Austria, the spy swap was completed …. It's nitty-gritty analysis. In June 2004, the FBI staked out Columbus Circle and watched as Murphy tried to find the other operative, whom he had never met. Instead, they go to Home Depot and they buy a shovel. "Operation Ghost Stories was probably the largest FBI counterintelligence investigation in history," says Alan Kohler, assistant director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division. Todd Shelton: The Murphys had two children born in the United States. Produced by Resa Matthews and Anthony Venditti. Stanley Skolnik: Crowds were gathering. Todd Shelton: It caused him to have access to a variety of people who would indeed have the types of information we believe that the Russians would value. Subscribe Two bumbling government employees think they are U.S. spies, only to discover that they are actually decoys for Nuclear War. October 13, 2020 / 11:10 PM Leon Panetta: I called my Russian counterpart, a guy named Fradkov. … One of the people was a member of the U.S. government with information related to nuclear technology. My job was to ensure that they were not able to get close enough to commit espionage. His wife, Cindy, she was a financial planner and then ultimately got her MBA at Columbia University. They had two teenage sons who were born in Canada. … We conducted countless hours of surveillance … and determined the best way of entering the residence. Have an official Russian diplomat working in New York hand it over to one of the spies. Alan Kohler: Some of them were very sullen. Todd Shelton: It was the request of the administration that we delay our arrest until the U.S. President was back in the United States and the Russian president was away from North American airspace. … From that point … it became a negotiation. Ed Foley: We saturated the area with … multiple covert vehicles, rental vehicles, people out with dogs in the park. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. … We identified Richard and Cynthia Murphy, who were then living in Montclair, New Jersey. The FBI had advance warning that an arrest in Canada could take place any day. Ed Foley [in tunnel at train station]: You see him standing. Alan Kohler: The decision was made that we were gonna take down the network in 2010. Maria Ricci: Richard Murphy began his career as a computer consultant. … Inside the bag, we believe to be a significant amount of U.S. currency. You know, he's admitting that … these were spies. Directed by John Landis. Maria Ricci: Richard Murphy was supposed to say … "Uncle Paul sends his love" and the response was supposed to be "Isn't it nice to be Santa Claus in May.". Spies Like Us Hardcover – September 21, 2020 by L Russell Records (Author) 4.5 out of 5 stars 16 ratings. But something did change:  Christopher Metsos, the spy handler, disappeared. Every move they made was monitored. So, we knew where to go, where to set up. … The Russians … wanted them to be more productive. Todd Shelton: Now, Christopher Metsos, flush with the currency he's just received from the Russian government, moves to a restaurant in Queens later that same day. / CBS News. … and I think she was probably going to stay in New York and be part of the financial center. Maria Ricci: Sometimes it was a question of putting somebody else in his path that would be of interest to him. Their new identity required new IDs and credentials. They had a forged U.S. birth certificate from the state of Pennsylvania and the state of New York, respectively. Svetlana Plotnikova, Actress: Spies Like Us. Agents quickly identified where the money was hidden. Leon Panetta: Russia was delivering the four individuals we wanted to the same location. Check out our spies like us selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our music & movie posters shops. Maria Ricci: Cindy Murphy was … reporting on people who were interested in potentially obtaining jobs with the CIA. He is seen here under FBI surveillance in Queens, New York in 2001. Spies Like Us. And there was another $60,000 that came with a very specific set of instructions. For more than a decade, FBI agents bugged the spies' homes, followed their travels, and ultimately cracked their secret communications network. As it turned out, the Russian spy in Canada did not get arrested until months later. Todd Shelton: Heathfield had attended the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. Todd Shelton: Near the conclusion of that meeting, we see Murphy reach into his backpack. Matthew Hart. Alan Kohler: There was a certain feeling of closure … talking with them and seeing them and knowing this was it. FBI Agents Maria Ricci, Todd Shelton, Alan Kohler and Ed Foley. Todd Shelton: If we miss that opportunity, it would be several months before we again found ourselves with all the U.S.-based … Russian intelligence officers … currently in the United States. Alan Kohler: As the cases grow, we're able to get more intrusive techniques. Your Go-To Resource for Beer. Maria Ricci: We inserted the 27 characters. Maria Ricci: We weren't able to … obtain those messages. In June 2006, the Washington-based spies Michael Zottoli and his wife showed up in New York. Todd Shelton: That night, just before 11:00, the Boston conspirator Donald Heathfield had plane tickets to depart from Logan with one of his children to a European visit. With Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Mark Stewart, Sean Daniel. … I do know that traditionally … trained intelligence officers … are paired up … at Headquarters back in Moscow. Originally written by Aykroyd and Dave Thomas to star Aykroyd and John Belushi at Universal, the script went into turnaround and was later picked up by Warner Bros. with Aykroyd and Chase starring. Alan Kohler: So, we knew where to go, where to set up. … If there was a deep interest in … setting public policy, or … running the government, those are the people you found there. Foley worked for a real estate company. And it's a new threat that we sought to counter. The Russians used a "brush pass.". The spies were trained in Russia to assimilate into everyday American life by getting married, obtaining jobs and raising families, while also sending encoded messages back home, the FBI agents say.

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