mercator projection alternative

Alternatives codes : 3857. Cette projection est similaire à la projection de Mercator mais le cylindre est tangent le long d’un méridien et non de l’équateur. Uses spherical development of ellipsoidal coordinates. Mainly, this projection is useful for tracing routes with a steady course in a straight line. It is surprisingly difficult for geographers and cartographers to accurately portray a 3-dimensional sphere on a 2-dimensional surface. The transverse Mercator map projection is an adaptation of the standard Mercator projection which flips the cylinder 90 degrees (transverse). Mais, problème, les formes des pays sont écrasées et il n’est plus possible de l’utiliser pour naviguer (ou alors difficilement) ! Special cases include the Mercator map and the stereographic projection. Mercator projection, type of map projection introduced in 1569 by Gerardus Mercator.It is often described as a cylindrical projection, but it must be derived mathematically.The meridians are equally spaced parallel vertical lines, and the parallels of latitude are parallel horizontal straight lines that are spaced farther and farther apart as their distance from the Equator increases. in an atlas or as wall map (maybe without noticing or recognizing it as such though). You may be surprised at what you find! This complements the already existing maps in Web Mercator projection, which is de-facto the industry standard. Il l'a présentée comme une solution supérieure à celle de la projection de Mercator, qui est adaptée à la navigation et est aussi utilisée couramment dans les cartes du monde. Mercator. Name one field that does not have its own requirements in projection system. The alternative. The best world-scale maps are going to be along the lines of the Robinson projection, where you give up on trying to pretend that the world atlas is a rectangle. The projection onto a cylinder is known as the transverse Mercator projection; it is used for states with relatively long north–south dimensions (e.g., Illinois and Mississippi). The Mercator projection was used until today although it dates from the 16th century, and it’s a milestone in the History of cartography. Visit Stack Exchange. Mercator projection. Two views of Buckminster Fuller’s dymaxion map, showing how he’s taken recast the globe from a sphere to an icosahedron (20 sides) and then opened it up to flatten it, preserving the relative distances. Is Greenland really as big as all of Africa? Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size. They’re all creative; none are as good for navigation as our 450-year old Mercator! Projection is key in many fields: transport, environment, socio-economic, agriculture, health, forestry, climate, fishing, weather, risk assessment. Il en résulte une projection conforme qui ne conserve pas la vraie direction et convient pour la cartographie de surfaces à … What are some alternatives to the extremely enduring Mercator projection? It also makes realism the default philosophical projection, similar to the Mercator projection, subsuming every alternative to it into an “anti- ” category. Some states utilize more than one projection of either kind, and some use both kinds of projection. This projection was developed by Gerardus Mercator back in 1569 for navigational purposes. It’s ability to represent lines of constant course from coast to coast made it the perfect map for sailing the seas. La projection de Mercator a été développé en 1569 par Mercator Gerardus comme outil de navigation. EPSG:3857 Projected coordinate system for World between 85.06°S and 85.06°N. But, in reality, Africa is 14 times the size of Greenland. Attributes. A brief history of the Mercator Projection. Its popularity was so great that it became used as a geographic teaching aid even though the projection grossly distorts countries sizes. This has been done with OSM tiles, but is also cumbersome and time consuming - just for the map maker, not the browser. He promoted it as a superior alternative to the Mercator projection, which was suited to navigation but also used commonly in world maps. + 7 Terme d'artillerie. Reprojecting tiles is cumbersome and time consuming. But world maps already existed long before Gerardus Mercator came up with his system. Before Mercator's projection, there were already maps showing the full extent of planet Earth. Mais elle ne respecte pas les surfaces . Projection de Mercator transverse. The Mercator projection is one of the most well-known projections, and nearly everyone has probably seen a map in this projection, e.g. The standard Spherical Mercator projection supported (exclusively it seems) by all major web-Stack Exchange Network. An alternative, if possible, would be to produce a tile set in the desired projection. Certain Web mapping and visualisation applications. I resist this strategy of classification. Son échelle est vraie à l’équateur et a deux parallèles de référence équidistants de l’équateur. Web Mercator was the one size-fit-all 15 years ago, but I think we should move away from it. World Map. Dans cette projection sphérique, la Terre est considérée comme une sphère et non pas comme une ellipse. Covered area powered by MapTiler Export. Pour rendre leur gloire cartographique aux pays du tiers-monde, la projection de Peters a été inventée en 1855 afin de conserver le vrai ratio de taille entre chaque pays. The standard Mercator projection is a map projection with the equator as the single standard parallel. Daniel R. Strebe, ... An alternative is to place the North Pole in the centre. La projection cylindrique classique de Mercator a l'avantage de respecter les angles et donc de faciliter le tracé des itinéraires maritimes et aérien. It is strangely disorienting to gaze on the world from a polar perspective. Mercator Projections Mercator. Relative to WGS 84 / World Mercator (CRS code 3395) errors of 0.7 percent in scale and differences in northing of up to 43km in the map (equivalent to 21km on the ground) may arise. Projection horizontale ou verticale d'un point, d'une ligne, projection de ce point, de cette ligne sur un plan horizontal ou sur un plan vertical. Peters promoted it as a superior alternative to the Mercator projection - created by Gerardus Mercator in 1569 - which is. World maps already existed before Gerardus Mercator created his system. Realism should not be regarded as the default for framing the questions with which we began this section, let alone as the only game in town. Data source: PROJ.4 . Advantages of Mercator projection 1- Explore the world . Information source: other. Why there are so many map projections? A PDF version of this page is available. This gives cartographers a map to work with always in meters. Description: +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs. Actuellement la “projection de Mercator” est le modèle le plus utilisé dans le monde à commencer par les institutions scolaires et les géants de l’informatique, ce qui peut être problématique ! However, this was the first that provided people with the means to explore and navigate across the seas. The Mercator projection depicts Greenland as larger than Africa. The family is referred to as the Lam-bert conic conformal projections. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Earth is not flat. Alternative formulae for the Transverse Mercator projection. It is possible to do in many ways, but all solutions, which are called map projections, have pros and cons. The Mercator and stereographic projections, and many in between Daniel Daners Revised Version, July 29, 2011 Abstract We consider a family of conformal (angle preserving) projections of the sphere onto the plane. All other parallels of latitude are straight lines and the meridians are also straight lines at right angles to the equator, equally spaced. The UTM projection flattens the sphere 60 times by shifting the cylinder central meridian 6° for each zone. The Mercator projection increasingly inflates the sizes of regions according to their distance from the equator. Therefore, we need to mathematically solve the issue of projecting a globe into 2D space. TL;DR. Reprojected Mercator tiles take time, you should read the above. Before Mercator: Learn more. La projection de Mercator est également connue pour ses méridiens et ses parallèles qui se coupent à angle droit. The Universal Transverse Mercator is horrible for small-scale (less-detailed) … Mercator; Creator: James Gall / Arno Peters (1852 / 1967) Gerardus Mercator (1569) Group: Cylindric: Cylindric: Property: Equal-area: Conformal: Other Names: Gall Orthographic; Peters projection — Remarks: Original design by James Gall, independently developed again by Arno Peters in 1967 and presented to the public in 1973. This page refers to other pages on this site: Length of meridian arc on an ellipsoid (also available in a PDF version) Converting isometric latitude to geographic latitude (also available in a PDF version) Introduction. He promoted it as a superior alternative to the Mercator projection, which was suited to navigation but also used commonly in world maps. Actually, it is arguably more problematic because it doesn't have any compelling features that it does better than other world-scale maps. L'historien et géographe allemand Arno Peters (né en 1916) a inventé une nouvelle projection qui a l'avantage de respecter à la fois les angles et les surfaces, mais qui ne respecte pas les contours . Well Known Text as HTML; OGC WKT; ESRI WKT; XML; PROJ.4; Proj4js; GeoServer; MapServer; Mapnik; PostGIS; Definition: … Comme la carte Peters, la grille est rectangulaire et les lignes de latitude et de longitude sont tous parallèles. The Gall-Peters projection is just as problematic as the Mercator projection. A great tool for educators. Given how popular the Mercator projection is, it's wise to question how it makes us view the world. Alternatives : les projections cartographiques de Peters et de Fuller. EPSG Dataset coordinate operation method codes 9804, 9805 and 1044.

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