how many mineral sites for deer per acre

population currently stands at 25 deer per square mile of forested acreage on ave rage. Due to the focal nature of this issue, individual property level … I’d recommend starting with four sites – one is each quadrant of your property. The age of the deer as well as the season of the year affect the amounts of food taken by the animals. On mid-sized … On a 100-acre lot, more mineral will be needed. I have found that mineral sites located in sandy areas are utilized less than mineral sites in heavier soils. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Most commercially-made products are going to run about $20 a bag and each bag will service one site for a couple of months. I have 6 on 87 acres. I have found that mineral sites located in sandy areas are utilized less than mineral sites in heavier soils. Almost all soils more than 25–50 miles from a seacoast are low in sodium. We have two on 156 acres and the deer use both. On a 100-acre lot, more mineral will be needed. Sounds like there are lots of deer in your area. Over the course of a year on a small 20-acre parcel, five or six buckets is enough. Creating a Mineral Station. Over the course of a year on a small 20-acre parcel, five or six buckets is enough. A beneficial deer mineral product will provide the trace reserves that are useful to the whole herd. The sites attract deer and pose them for short periods in the right spot -- which happens to be right in front of the camera. However, a third one might increase utilization slightly because the deer will pass the sites more often in their normal travels. The ideal time to establish a new mineral site is late winter or early spring. Copyright © 2009-2021 Depending on what part of the country you live in, an average home range of a buck is about 1000 acres and the average home range of a doe is about 600 acres. Stephen, If there are multiple different deer using both sites I try a third! Estimated population densities range from 5 deer per 1,000 acres in marginal habitats in the Rolling Plains, East Cross Timbers, Fort Worth Prairie, and Blackland Prairie areas to 100 deer per 1,000 acres in more productive habitats in the Edwards Plateau, West Cross Timbers, and Lampasas Cut Plain areas of Northcentral Texas. A good rule of thumb is about one site per 100 acres of property. If you are getting bucks on camera that aren’t using a site, add another site near where those bucks were photographed. Whitetails, like people, have different personalities and habits. We have 4 spots on 250 acres and they use all 4 regularly. That depends on the coverage (draw) area of a food plot, which relates to deer travel distance. I also have 3 out on a 100 acre parcel. Stephen, If there are multiple different deer using both sites I try a third! “You will see the highest usage of a mineral lick by deer during spring green up … I currently only have one on the 47 acres here at my house, but I'm going to add a second one. Jamie,There is probably no such thing as "too many" but I would say that two on 50 acres is probably enough. To adequately hunt a parcel the maximum number of sits per acre, you have to have enough treestand locations. I've received an offer to buy the mineral rights for the whole 170 acres, not just the 70 acres. I use Trophy Rock’s Four65. But generally, one per 100 acres will ensure that the majority of the deer will have easy access to a mineral site. The Why, When, Where, & How of Mineral Licks for Deer and Other Wildlife 0. Some farms with limited deer herds or abundant natural mineral sources may only need one mineral site per 200 acres, while others with high deer densities or no natural mineral sources could use one site at each field or bedding area. Before establishing a deer operation, you should research lo¬cal demand and identify possible markets for your products. The best locations for mineral sites are food plots, bedding areas and near watering holes. All minerals are not created equal. Depending on what part of the country you live in, an average home range of a buck is about 1000 acres and the average home range of a doe is about 600 acres. Some deer don’t mind visiting and using a mineral site that a number of other deer are spending a great deal of time at. Depending on the deer population I recommend one site per 40 acres, but to begin with, I would create maybe three or four in 40 acres. It’s just that simple. In my opinion, this gives me the best chance of seeing him during daylight hours and ultimately putting an … Nationally, the white-tailed deer population likely exceeds 30 million. Also, I place them in easily accessible areas near atv trails that I do not walk through an area- drop an go. I have one currently down by the creek, but I'm going to add a second one up on my high ground. I prefer Four65 as there are more pounds per dollar! Depending on the deer population I recommend one site per 40 acres, but to begin with, I would create maybe three or four in 40 acres. If deer don't "heavily" use a lick, I don't refresh the site (I start off using salt blocks on stumps). I'm trying to decide whether to sell or not. Over time they get used to always going to salt in certain places and to some degree this should increase travel between the licks and to certain spots on your land. In this study, researchers did detect a difference in yearling buck antler development between supplemented and unsupplemented groups. - 3mm vs. 8mm MOA Red Dot - Burris Fastfire III. I don't think it matters,they will visit them when they feel the need for the minerals. So how many mineral sites do you need on your property? Many mineral supplements on the market today offer vital minerals and nutrients (calcium, phosphorous, zinc, protein, etc.) How many mineral sites is adequate for 40 acres? How Many Mineral Sites Do You Need on Your Property? But note that the Pounds per Day per Acre did not consistently rise above 0.20 until August 2004—about 2 ½ years after feeding began. On one of the farms I hunt in Virginia, my friend Jack and I have six licks strategically placed across 800 acres of woods. Currently I only have 1 on 235 acres. I have never had the same bucks on camera at both locations. It all depends on how much property a person owns and how many deer frequent the property on a regular basis. Now the deer are accustomed to these locations and get a lot of attention. Deer use both daily. I guess the question is having to many salt licks on one property could be bad. We begin replenishing these sites with minerals in spring and the deer hit them immediately. I have 6 strategically placed in central areas of my property. (3-21-15) We started feeding this pasture in February 2002. Antlers are comprised of roughly 20 percent calcium and 10 percent phosphorus. Mineral makes deer antlers less brittle! (3-21-15) that's $23,000 per acre, so far and about … I’d recommend starting with four sites – one is each quadrant of your property. I've read 1 per 50 acres. Creating Hunting Strategies Based on Thermals, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Archery Practice: Aim for the Lower Third, New Hidey Hole Food Plot At Edge of Bedding Area and Timber, The Key to Success for this Kentucky Hunt: Food Plot Design, See the Difference In Two Thinned Pine Stands: One Burned the Other Not. ... (about 2 million acres … The red bars show the Pounds per Day per Acre of feed the deer in this pasture have consumed (the bars represent one week of feed consumption). Aim to set up one mineral station per 100 acres on your property. The White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is the most popular game species in Misissippi. He said that they put a mineral site and corn feeder at every stand location. Manipulating Buck Movements. If you are getting bucks on camera that aren’t using a site, add another site near where those bucks were photographed. Most commercially-made products are going to run about $20 a bag and each bag will service one site for a couple of months. He said that they put a mineral site and corn feeder at every stand location. Good luck. Good luck. What are "Mineral Sites" and how can they help you this hunting season? For instance, to feed 75 deer, you need 25 acres of plots. Deer are hoofed creatures, but that doesn’t mean that any mineral that works for a cattle ranch or horses will do the same for whitetails. February 5, 2015. With that baseline, just decide how many deer you want to support and divide that number by three. Many trace mineral are important to deer but natural forage usually contains sufficient amounts for body and antler growth. As a general rule, one mineral site is needed for every 80-100 acres of land. Some deer don’t mind visiting and using a mineral site that a bunch of other deer are spending a lot of time at. By placing the mineral site just off a trail entering the food plot, you are creating a … Overall physical condition of the deer herd is excellent. Mines mostly woods though. The best locations for deer minerals: Place some of your sites somewhat close to a water sources as it seems to increase utilization. How many food plots do you need? Each factor can play a significant role in calculating mineral rights royalties value. I have 2 on 75 acres. Either will work fine! A good rule of thumb is generally one mineral site per 100 acres. Also placing a mineral rock or powder on rotting stumps off in thickets or pine plantations can be very effective. When deer enter a food plot, they are usually seeking salt and minerals as well. I use them to try and inventory and get a decent idea where the bucks bed. Establishing a common licking place where deer and other wildlife gather for necessary minerals from the earth is certainly nothing new. However, these herds were fed a nutritionally deficient diet below what most whitetails would have access to in the wild. Each site should be replenished 4-6 times per year, depending on how often the deer eat the mineral. Sounds like there are lots of deer in your area. I'd say my average is about 1 per 150 acres. I have 2 on my parcel and both are used frequently. Do the math. Although they are known throughout the world for their velvet production, red deer are raised mainly for venison an… I had a discussion with a friend the other day that hunts in KY. Thanks guys! JavaScript is disabled. By Brenda Valentine on May 30, 2008 Journal. It’s those soils that are the key to the region’s ability to produce more deer, and more deer per acre, than any other area of the state, according to TPWD wildlife biologist Mike Krueger. Because of this, I normally recommend at least one site per 40 acres to minimize site competition, with more sites needed in areas with higher deer density. You are using an out of date browser. One final deer mineral site consideration for non-nutritional factors is soil type. Within the state of Missouri alone our business has over 100 mineral licks sites. Because of this, I normally recommend at least one site per 40 acres to minimize site competition, with more sites needed in areas with higher deer density. A good rule of thumb is about one site per 100 acres of property. The product you choose needs to have calcium and phosph… In a single county, the average price per acre for mineral rights could be anywhere from $250 to $10,000+/acre depending on all these factors. For a rough guide, plan on 8-10 for a 40 acre parcel, 12-16 for an 80 acre chunk of cover and 18-20+ for 100-300 acres or more. February 5, 2016. Do the math. What to Consider When Deciding To Log or Not, Be Cautious About Supplemental Feeding Deer During Harsh Winters, Aging Deer by the Jawbone with Toothwear and Replacement, Better Understand Where and How Scent is Carried. If the field is in corn or another non target crop I will only have one mineral site somewhere on the edge of the most used area of the field. is a Trademark of Woods & Associates, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. Locating the Buck's Master Bedroom. Enjoy creation, grant. But running mineral sites can get a bit pricey. I usually stop getting as many pictures of them at the mineral sites around the food sources and more in my remote mineral areas around smaller food sources. The other thing I have observed over the last three years is how minerals makes antlers stronger and less brittle. One final deer mineral site consideration for non-nutritional factors is soil type. In past studies, optimum antler and body growth were obtained … You can do more or less depending on the amount of use you get at a site. Each site should be replenished 4-6 times per year, depending on how often the deer eat the mineral. However, a third one might increase utilization slightly because the deer will pass the sites more often in their normal travels. That’s all there is to it. On new farms with big agricultural fields I will usually have three or four mineral sites around each field if it is planted in beans, alfalfa or some other main spring and summer food source. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Before I start a whitetail mineral site I like to try to determine where my target buck might possibly be bedding during the day. However, at a fine scale (e.g., property l evel) deer population densities may number fewer than 10 deer per forested square mile or may exce ed 100 deer per forested square mile. The Bullet that Leaves All Its Energy In the Deer, Native Browse: Ragweed – It’s Extremely Nutritious, Velvet Bucks, Fawns, Turkey Poults: Trail Camera Videos | May and June 2020. Type of mineral formulation affected total deer use of baited sites, with a high salt formulation receiving over four times the number of daily visits from deer as other formulations. But running mineral sites can get a bit pricey. The fact is that most every animal including man has sought out salt and other minerals from the earth … Here are just some of the factors that play a role in the value: … In Mississippi, the deer herd is estimated at 1.75 million animals, which is higher on a deer-per-unit-area basis (density) than any other state, and only Texas has a greater number of deer. It does little good to place mineral sites in areas where deer do not feel comfortable moving during sun up. One Of Our Favorite Hunting Tools That Fits In A Pocket! I generally us them for camera survey points, so 1 per 100 is what I shoot for. A good rule of thumb is generally one mineral site per 100 acres. I've read deer use of the licks declines as Fall progresses and not at all in Winter. Sure, there are additional benefits to throwing down minerals in your hunting area (more on this later), however, if you’re not spending a good deal of time considering the placement of your mineral site (and how the deer will react to it) then you are … ... (300 acres or less), 1 plot per 80 acres is about right. I had a discussion with a friend the other day that hunts in KY. How many mineral sites should I have per acre: Ideally you should try and provide one mineral site for every 80-100 acres of ground. ... out or divided into more than one pile as long as the total amount of bait or feed material is not … ? If you have a very healthy deer herd that really pounds the site, you may have to replenish it a couple times … Fortunately, creating, establishing, and maintaining a mineral site is relatively easy work and won’t break your bank. grant. If you have a high deer density, you may want to increase that rate a little. I think you can steer deer travel over time with salt licks, so it would make sense to not have so many that they can go just anywhere to get salt. I have never had the same bucks on camera at both locations. This is a bit of a loaded question, because it really just depends on your location. How many mineral sites is adequate for 40 acres? Jamie,There is probably no such thing as "too many" but I would say that two on 50 acres is probably enough. Even with good planning and good site selection, there are some locations where deer simply will not use a mineral site. grant. If lots of deer start using a site add another in that quadrant. Density: Again referring to a trail camera survey most recommendations are a mineral station for every 80-100 acres of property, but only you can really tell how many mineral stations and trail camera sites you need. Enjoy creation! If lots of deer start using a site add another in that quadrant. Another recommendation, especially when beginning a mineral program, is to try multiple sites. To adequately hunt a parcel the maximum number of sits per acre, you have to have enough treestand locations. Research has shown the more feeding stations you can make available, the more deer will utilize supplemental feed. A classic study on the mineral needs of deer was conducted at Penn State University in the 1950s. February 5, 2016. So I have read somewhere in the past, that you only should put like 1 mineral site or salt luck as some call it, per 100 acres. I have 12 out on a 600 acre parcel. Even with good planning and good site selection, there are some locations where deer simply will not use a mineral site. Habitat diversity, topography, cover, and human pressure can all affect deer movement and core areas, ultimately deciding how many mineral stations … that aid in antler growth among bucks and the lactation process among does. Individual producers can promote their products through county fairs, mail-order/Internet businesses, state and national deer associations, agricultural publications, and media outlets. So how many mineral sites do you need on your property? This is why it’s impossible to figure out how to calculate the value of mineral rights accurately. I keep intending to start another 2, which i think is about optimum for the layout of my land. Let’s be honest, the main reason bowhunters start a mineral site is to shoot a big whitetail buck. I understand how you might be able to steer deer movement with mineral licks, but wouldn't that really just be movement during Spring, Summer, early Fall? As far as how often you need to replenish these sites, it will greatly depend on how many deer utilize your property. As a general rule, one mineral site is needed for every 80-100 acres of land. For a rough guide, plan on 8-10 for a 40 acre parcel, 12-16 for an 80 acre chunk of cover and 18-20+ for 100-300 acres or more. Enjoy creation! The sites attract deer and pose them for short periods in the right spot -- which happens to be right in front of the camera. Recent Posts These mineral licks for deer serve a variety of needs. ... Up to the end of .2017 we had received about $700,000 not including the bonus. To stabilize the herd shoot one adult doe for every 25 to 100 acres of high-quality habitat, one for every 100 to 300 acres of moderate-quality habitat, and one for every 300 to 640 (or more) acres of low-quality habitat. So I have read somewhere in the past, that you only should put like 1 mineral site or salt luck as some call it, per 100 acres. three to five pounds of 16 percent protein pellets per day per animal. … The best way is to go by herd size. Natural mineral licks for whitetail deer are uncommon thus successful quality deer management programs should have strong emphasis on mineral licks. What's the con to having per say 8 salt licks on a 100 acres? If you have a high deer density you should probably increase that rate. The best locations for deer minerals: Place some of your sites somewhat close to a water sources as it seems to increase utilization. Whitetails, like people, have different personalities and habits. Setting Up for a New Season of Trapping Nest Predators! So my question is, how many mineral sites does everyone have on land that they hunt per acre? You can do more or less depending on the amount of use you get at a site. So by applying a small amount of mineral in three to four locations, you will allow the deer to tell you which … One consideration is how much I might make in royalties if I were to wait & they'd actually drill under the 70 acres. I think over time you can influence deer travel routes with mineral sites. Ideally you should try and provide one mineral site for every 80-100 acres of ground. Cheap Ways to Attract Deer | Watering Holes and Mineral Sites for Deer. But generally, one per 100 acres will ensure that the majority of the deer will have easy access to a mineral site. As you said, not sure u can have too many, but deer will use certain sites more than others. We recommend 1 feeding station for every 25 head of deer, or if density is low, at least one feeder for every 400 acres. I have 2 on my parcel and both are used frequently. Producers can market directly or through a distributor. ( 300 acres or less depending on how often the deer will have access! D recommend starting with how many mineral sites for deer per acre sites – one is each quadrant of your property bit of a food,. Could be bad hunting Tools that Fits in a Pocket supplemented and groups. 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