fat tax statistics

fruits) then consumers' disposable income increases and they could buy something else instead (e.g. This article is more than 8 years old. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. startxref Tax evasion, often considered to be synonymous with tax fraud, is the act of misrepresenting or concealing the amount of taxable income on an annual tax return. Own- and cross-price effects following a change in the price of beef. Data from the first full year of the tax is not yet available, but receipts from April to … Is the fat tax really effective? Please let me know. Flat tax, a tax system that applies a single tax rate to all levels of income. how farmers, producers, processors and supermarkets will respond? Although a flat tax seems fair from a percentage standpoint, as a 20% tax would be applied to all incomes, a greater share of a low-income household’s disposable income is affected. Alternatively, particular types of foods, such as snacks or soft drinks, could be subject to a tax, or VAT could be extended to foods that are currently zero-rated but have a high fat … 0000007195 00000 n Evidence from Denmark demonstrates that such a policy would not only have negative economic effects, but would also fail to achieve its intended public health objectives. aAssuming that chicken is a substitute for beef (eaten instead). A recent review of experimental studies found that food taxes resulted in a reduction in the amount of energy purchased, whereas subsidies resulted in an overall increase.19. To date, very few reports have emerged on whether these taxes have brought about any changes in consumption. Hungary’s tax, which also applies to salt and fat, varies according to the amount of offending ingredient used. a recent modelling of a proposed 10% tax on sugar-sweetened tax in Ireland).26. Coming soon: the fat tax Why do increased income tax rates lower revenue? 0000011073 00000 n jX�o;�4D�8O�fw�M'{O�&f $*���=.5��t��Oq�&j�B���&�,M��*��U��]�\��Vb/I��sB��_ΰ$E!'���. 4 More complexity, however, comes when we look beyond this direct effect of price on consumption. Governments are, quite rightly, desperately seeking effective policy tools to turn the tide before it becomes a tsunami.1–3 The list of policy options follows the well-worn staples of public health: front of pack labels to improve consumer information on foods, restricting marketing of unhealthy foods, promoting healthy foods and the selection of healthy diets, and subsidizing healthy foods and activities. So what exactly is this fat tax everyone is talking about from Japan? Tzl�Jٕ^�ִQ`��TV�4{㋝�Xk��`4��A��U]�ܰf�esm�:v���}j�6�j��q���� The authors would like to thank Dr Karen Lock from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for her valuable comments and two anonymous journal reviewers for their suggestions. When the price of a particular food (e.g. <<50642a68175163418bbafd6f72e3ed23>]>> Some of the most well-known ‘health-related food taxes’ have been introduced in Europe. As the values are usually close to zero, even a small bias in estimation can cause a switch in the direction of the effect (either reduction or increase in the consumption of the alternative product). A study on the French soda tax found that while the tax was fully passed on to the price of sodas (no untaxed substitutes), the tax was not fully passed on to the price of flavoured water and fruit drinks (substitutes more widely available).28 Similarly, in Denmark, supermarkets did not fully pass on the tax to consumers on butter and oils, while discount stores fully transmitted the tax for blended spreads and oils.8 Interestingly, the discount stores also used the tax to increase their margins on butter and margarine, possibly because of the higher demand for these products from this type of store. Formal evaluations of these policies are needed to establish whether the impacts of these taxes are sustained in the medium- to long term. 0000005119 00000 n trailer In the year before the flat tax, Russians in the two higher tax brackets reported only 52% of their income to the taxman. 0000009864 00000 n Without a proper appreciation of the potential indirect impacts we do not know the overall impact of taxes foods on unhealthy foods and beverages and further that there is a very real possibility that they may not be beneficial for health after all. The fat tax did, however, raise more money than expected, but this only goes to show that it reduced the amount of high-calorie food sold by less than was anticipated. Address correspondence to Laura Cornelsen, E-mail: Search for other works by this author on: Department of Population Health, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, Reader in Food and Nutrition for Global Health, Tackling obesities: future choices—Project Report, London, UK: Government Office for Science, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD: Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General, Healthy Lives, Healthy People: a call to action on obesity in England, NCD Indicators, International Comparisons, Taxing unhealthy food and drinks to improve health, Revenues from tax on sweets exceeded all expectations, Sugar Tax Working Group emphasises influencing children's and young people's consumption. Although in absolute terms the change in the quantity consumed may be similar between heavy consumers and those who consume very little of taxed foods—and arguably the absolute change may be more relevant for health outcomes—the consumer welfare is lost due to taxes mostly for moderate, non-problematic consumers. 0000001335 00000 n Overall, there is a need for a much greater understanding of sensitivity to price changes across different segments of the population beyond obvious population characteristics.19 Who in a population actually responds to taxes by lowering their consumption of taxed products, and why? %%EOF Because substitution patterns are a priori unknown, the bias becomes very difficult to detect. This is known as the income effect and it is more likely to affect lower income earners as they spend a relatively greater share of their incomes on food. https://apps.who.int/infobase/Comparisons.aspx, http://www.vm.fi/vm/en/03_press_releases_and_speeches/01_press_releases/20130131SugarT/name.jsp, http://www.euro.who.int/en/where-we-work/member-states/hungary/sections/news/2013/05/hungarian-food-tax-changes-consumption-patterns, http://yle.fi/uutiset/sweet_tax_fails_to_slow_candy_consumption/6992250, http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanielparishflannery/2013/11/07/in-response-to-new-soda-tax-coca-cola-bottler-considers-switch-from-sugar-to-high-fructose-corn-syrup-in-mexico/, http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/health/introducing-stevia-sweetener.html, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, The failure of the UK to tax adequately tobacco company profits, The association between taxation increases and changes in alcohol consumption and traffic fatalities in Thailand, Entitlement to military healthcare - limitations of the NHS model, Prioritizing investments in public health: a multi-criteria decision analysis. 0000010434 00000 n In November 2013, Mexico became the first country in Latin America to approve an excise tax on high-calorie packaged foods including potato chips, peanut butter and sweetened breakfast cereals and an increase in the tax on soft drinks. �\�(X�-+O�B��y$y h���������1ҠL��^mb�Z��0Bu;�: �8B��3���hABUCY��U�oMp��>6�O{��O3�ķX���!�� �}� Supermarkets are also able to spread the higher cost of taxed food onto other foods or own-branded products that typically have higher profit margins. 100 taxes you pay WHO wants a fat tax? For example, reforms in the sugar policy in the European Union have lowered the price of sugar in the EU consistently since 200618 and a simulation study using French data showed that a 36% reduction in the price of sugar, associated with the EU sugar policy, would lead to an average decrease in the price of soft drinks by 3.4% (assuming the price decrease is fully transmitted to consumers).18 While the aim of the sugar policy is to make the agricultural sector more competitive, its consequence—to reduce the price of sugar for consumers—is contrary to recommendations of global nutrition and health policies. A relatively recent policy option is a tax on unhealthy or high-energy content foods or beverages or on their constituent ingredients—the so-called ‘health-related food tax’.5 The logic is compelling—make these unhealthy foods more expensive and demand for them will fall. What we are suggesting is that we need a much clearer understanding of whether the direct effects of a tax (less consumption of a taxed product) are reinforced, undermined or unaffected by indirect effects. n�3ܣ�k�Gݯz=��[=��=�B�0FX'�+������t���G�,�}���/���Hh8�m�W�2p[����AiA��N�#8$X�?�A�KHI�{!7�. It requires low-income earners to bear a greater portion of tax responsibilities. After all, we have increased the price of tobacco products for years, and fewer smokers remain willing to pay a high price to consume a deadly product. ��w�G� xR^���[�oƜch�g�`>b���$���*~� �:����E���b��~���,m,�-��ݖ,�Y��¬�*�6X�[ݱF�=�3�뭷Y��~dó ���t���i�z�f�6�~`{�v���.�Ng����#{�}�}��������j������c1X6���fm���;'_9 �r�:�8�q�:��˜�O:ϸ8������u��Jq���nv=���M����m����R 4 � Also, due to multiple testing needs, traditional cut-off points for determining the statistical significance needs careful consideration. There are different forms such a tax could take. Consumers make numerous decisions about food consumption on a daily basis, and price is only one determinant among other environmental, social and cultural factors influencing diets.35 The fact that a ready-packed processed meal for a family appears a better choice than buying everything fresh and cooking from scratch is a driver behind consumption decisions that economics alone cannot explain. Data on 192 countries suggest that between 2005 and 2010 the average prevalence of overweight [body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m2] increased from 45 to 48% and the prevalence of obesity (BMI >30 kg/m2) rose from 15 to 17%.4. 0000011880 00000 n 0000002816 00000 n Obesity and the implications of high bodyweight are among the greatest challenges facing health systems worldwide. A review of the policy found that 40% of … One possibility is to tax the nutrient contents of foods such that those containing more fat or salt, for example, are taxed more heavily. For example, a recent US-based study examining the effect of substitution within 25 food groups from high-fat to low-fat and high-sugar to low-sugar products in the context of a tax on fats or added sugars23 found that if substitution is not considered, a tax on fats is more efficient than a tax on added sugars but if substitution is considered the opposite holds—a reversal in the primary finding. But we need to be careful here as well. 0000001734 00000 n A newspaper report from Finland describes the first year of the tax on sweets as a success that raised more revenue than expected while the consumption of sweets dropped.6 Based on this first-year success the Finnish government was reported to be considering widening legislation to create a ‘sugar tax’ to cover a wider range of products with added sugar.7 Similarly, preliminary figures from Denmark, Hungary and France reported a reduction in the consumption of foods and constituent ingredients targeted by these taxes.8–10 However, the most recent figures reported in the Finnish media indicate that the initial drop in the consumption of sweets did not persist and, according to retailers, sweet sales returned to previous levels11 suggesting that the tax only had a short-term impact on demand. Recently, some European countries, including Spain, have considered introducing new taxes to reduce their budget deficits. For example, eating unhealthy foods contributes to the problem of obesity. However, within countries, low-income populations are more sensitive to price changes because they spend relatively more on foods compared with their wealthier counterparts.14 Lower socio-economic groups also purchase a greater proportion of energy from less healthy foods and beverages in comparison with those in higher socio-economic groups, and we may therefore expect their consumption of these unhealthy foods to be reduced more by a tax.16 Disregarding the income inequality issue, this is potentially good news for health because lower income earners have a higher burden of risk factors for nutrition-related chronic disease17 and food taxes therefore have the potential to reduce health inequalities. Zoppi, Lois. [Sponsorship by the food and beverage industries in Brazilian professional soccer: an obstacle to the promotion of healthy eating]. In what follows we will neither argue for nor against such taxes but aim to emphasize that there is a general lack of appreciation of the varied impacts that may result from health-related food taxes. Although the goal of a fat tax is to curb the sale of unhealthy products without restricting a … We are not suggesting that health-related food and beverage taxes do not have a place in the list of possible policy options. ���ur�؟W�;v���zoǎ��C`��d?���� �������1� sweetened beverages, salted snacks) or a food constituent, most commonly sugar, saturated fat or salt. Press Release 11/2013. Diabetes is growing and the NHS can't take the strain. Written by: Joe Messerli meat). �4�5��X�30ma���E��Q�xH{20����� k`� Is any of the material inaccurate? Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. Debates on such taxes are also current in Ireland and in the UK. Usually, the subject of such a tax is a specific food or drink (e.g. Data on 192 countries suggest that between 2005 and 2010 the average prevalence of overweight [body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m 2] increased from 45 to 48% and the prevalence of obesity (BMI >30 kg/m 2) rose from 15 to 17%. A flat tax (short for flat-rate tax) is a tax with a single rate on the taxable amount, after accounting for any deductions or exemptions from the tax base. endstream endobj 92 0 obj<> endobj 93 0 obj<> endobj 94 0 obj<> endobj 95 0 obj<>stream This work has been partly supported by the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH). The funding body had no role in the writing process or the decision to submit this work for publication. Is anything missing? Smoking is an easy target as it essentially one product and one ingredient. Consumption of fatty foods have external costs on society. Tax revenue statistics - tables for Statistics Explained; Data sources. Are we meeting the needs of vulnerable children? 0000006162 00000 n In 2009, per capita consumption of butter, margarine, fats and pork — the products hardest hit by the fat tax — was lower than in the early 1990s, by 67%, 48%, 20% and 44% respec‐ tively. 81 26 2. Crucially, the question remains whether any changes in consumption of the taxed foods (or indeed an increase in government revenues raised through the tax) will translate into changes in health outcomes for the population. 0000015205 00000 n Tax evasion statistics show that this crime compromises taxpayers’ trust in the system, too. 0000001376 00000 n 2. Also, consumers may still continue buying the now higher priced food but reduce the quantity of other foods they consume to continue to afford it, including healthy foods. Opinion polls showed that 80 per cent of Danes did not change their shopping habits at all as a result of the tax. an empirical evidence on the soft drink market, Experimental research on the relation between food price changes and food-purchasing patterns: a targeted review, Food pricing strategies, population diets and non-communicable disease: a systematic review of simulation studies, Policies to promote healthy eating in Europe: a structured review of policies and their effectiveness, Implications of a sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax when substitutions to non-beverage items are considered, Accounting for product substitution in the analysis of food taxes targeting obesity, Determining the impact of food price and income changes on body weight, Intended and unintended consequences of a proposed national tax on sugar-sweetened beverages to combat the U.S. obesity problem, Why a macroeconomic perspective is critical to the prevention of noncommunicable disease, Mexico may make Coca-Cola give up cane sugar, Public health: the toxic truth about sugar, Loss aversion in riskless choice: a reference-dependent model, Incorporating reference price effects into a theory of consumer choice, Price and maternal obesity influence purchasing of low- and high-energy-dense foods, Why sustainable and ‘nutritionally correct’ food is not on the agenda: Western Sydney, the moral arts of everyday life and public policy, Should behavioural economic policy be anti-regulatory, Behavioral economics and the food consumer, The Economics of Food Consumption and Policy. 84 0 obj<>stream Also called the Twinkie tax, the fat tax concept was pioneered by Kelly D. Brownell, a professor of psychology at Yale University, who wrote about it in the New York Times in 1994. 0000003941 00000 n © The Author 2014. In Canada, sales tax applies to soft drinks, sweets and snack foods but other foods are free from sales tax. H��VMo7��୻Ӝ~Mo��nT�2�M��B����H��wH���R��iI.�̛Ǚ�/'s�eʟ�,V �'�\�"�6�uj.S2 81 0 obj<> endobj Among the set of measures, they have proposed a fat tax, which has the aims of not only increasing revenues, but also reducing junk food consumption, and thereby obesity rates and the concomitant health costs. Studies that address cross-price effects explicitly are emerging but these generally focus on either a narrow range of substitutes or on a very broad food group such as low-fat- versus high-fat content products, rather than across the whole diet.22–25, Although cross-price effects tend to be small, they can be really important. Hungary, France and Finland) and in various states in the USA. A tax in the order of at least 20% of the price of a food product is far from being a simple or predictable fix, albeit being one of the few upstream policy options that is straightforward to implement and send a clear health message. On the positive side, even if the demand does not respond much to taxes, there will be an increase in government tax revenue that can be used to alleviate the regressive nature of the tax through re-distribution of the revenue within other programmes and policies. When looked at from a global perspective, about 20,000 people in the developed world could experience a reduced risk of premature death because of changes to their lifestyle that occur because of the changes that happen with a fat tax. 0000001218 00000 n In the United States, 1 out of 3 citizens has a BMI over 30. List of the Cons of a Flat Tax. The withdrawal in late 2012 of the Danish tax on saturated fat, only a year after its introduction, has also brought to wider attention the political struggles behind such taxes and their potential to trigger unintended consequences. It is simply wrong to assume that the fat tax was introduced for financial reasons. @� i For example, In the Danish case, the tax may have increased levels of cross-border purchasing of products high in saturated fat.12,13. Such taxes are currently already in place in countries in Europe (e.g. All authors declare no support from any organization for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous 3 years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. Or watch it … The proceeds from a fat tax could be used as subsidies for healthy foods. These actions are all likely to reduce the hoped-for positive health impact of the food taxes as the price increase for the consumer can be manipulated to be much smaller than originally intended. Data are collected by Eurostat on the basis of the European system of national and regional accounts (ESA 2010) transmission programme: table 9, 'Detailed tax and social contributions receipts by type and receiving subsector'. It is equally difficult to foresee the response to taxes from the supply side, i.e. Although prices and incomes clearly play a substantial role, availability of substitute foods (eaten instead) and complementary foods (eaten together) as well as individual habits and preferences are critical factors that determine what food gets eaten. In the USA several states have applied small taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages. Let's hear it for a fat tax Pros and cons of a fat tax Does a McDonald's binge prove fast food is unreasonably dangerous? 'Fat tax' on unhealthy food must raise prices by 20% to have effect, says study. Distribution of speech-language pathology services on the Gold Coast, Australia, Factors predicting staging and treatment initiation for patients with chronic hepatitis C infection: insurance a key predictor, Impact of COVID-19 on corticosteroids and antibiotics prescribing in England: an interrupted time series analysis, The impact of household energy poverty on the mental health of parents of young children, Smoking during pregnancy: changes and associated risk factors in Spain, 1980-2016, About the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom, Unpredictable indirect impacts of taxes: consumer side, Unpredictable indirect impacts of taxes—supply side. Eat more chicken (now relatively cheaper)Â, Eat less chicken (now relatively more expensive)Â, Copyright © 2021 Faculty of Public Health. Similarly, in the USA, various states have sales taxes on soft. _��-�_T�N�����P.O�]졽^?���\eG���˷��hey{�0 #.�� Increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity has led policy-makers to consider health-related taxes to limit the consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages. H���yTSw�oɞ����c [���5la�QIBH�ADED���2�mtFOE�.�c��}���0��8�׎�8G�Ng�����9�w���߽��� �'����0 �֠�J��b� It is clear that an understanding of these cross-price effects is critical for predicting the actual real-world impact of changes in food price on demand for food and the subsequent effects on population health. 0000010081 00000 n �x������- �����[��� 0����}��y)7ta�����>j���T�7���@���tܛ�`q�2��ʀ��&���6�Z�L�Ą?�_��yxg)˔z���çL�U���*�u�Sk�Se�O4?׸�c����.� � �� R� ߁��-��2�5������ ��S�>ӣV����d�`r��n~��Y�&�+`��;�A4�� ���A9� =�-�t��l�`;��~p���� �Gp| ��[`L��`� "A�YA�+��Cb(��R�,� *�T�2B-� Herb-drug interactions between androgenic Chinese herbal medicines and androgen receptor antagonist on tumor growth: Studies on two xenograft prostate cancer animal models. Obesity is estimated to cost the UK economy around £6.6–7.4 billion a year. A fat tax could help to subsidize the price of healthier foods. the demand is inelastic).14 Indeed a recent review suggests that taxes on foods would need to be at least 20% to have a meaningful impact on health outcomes.5 On average, in developed countries the responsiveness of consumption to changes in prices is relatively low because food comprises only a relatively small proportion of total household income (<20%)15 and so small changes in food prices do not really have any impact on consumption at a population level. bAssuming that potato is a complement for beef (eaten together). Subsidising healthy foods has often been suggested alongside higher taxes for unhealthy foods. "F$H:R��!z��F�Qd?r9�\A&�G���rQ��h������E��]�a�4z�Bg�����E#H �*B=��0H�I��p�p�0MxJ$�D1��D, V���ĭ����KĻ�Y�dE�"E��I2���E�B�G��t�4MzN�����r!YK� ���?%_&�#���(��0J:EAi��Q�(�()ӔWT6U@���P+���!�~��m���D�e�Դ�!��h�Ӧh/��']B/����ҏӿ�?a0n�hF!��X���8����܌k�c&5S�����6�l��Ia�2c�K�M�A�!�E�#��ƒ�d�V��(�k��e���l ����}�}�C�q�9 0000000016 00000 n But some doctors have warned that such taxes will not only be ineffective in reducing obesity and promoting healthy eating but … A fat tax would make people pay the social cost of unhealthy food. More joined-up policy-making is essential. }#{~��o��&����������w���"5tlf��'q���ŗ)�s�t� L#��|���~��H��^(����,i����Ka1KC1�'y�^6�C+½wKfՂ�Yi�Z)YW�e7���@�8e�u{�T�\ ������ؾtЪםm��o�乐go:l�������:WZ�$��һI�i��!jt��;��ޥ�i���&�GD��po�)���9�˂r�7���(����w6l=F.�NRd�����,��Ͻ�i_�xd��]����nջ��N��y�=�>��H��)���DZ�G�f>�����-͒���0� �f��j��U��9�f݅�γI��N�}����[u[^M˻I_��u �/㛺3�싑yQL��а A tax of 16 crowns (€2.14) per kilo was applied to meat, dairy products and cooking oil which consist of more than 2.3% saturated fat to combat unhealthy lifestyles. Is Being Fat in Japan Really Illegal? Body mass index ... affordable and easily accessible to everyone, particularly to the poorest individuals. 0000010674 00000 n In Mexico, the introduction of a tax on soft drinks reportedly led a major soft drink manufacturer to plan to reformulate its recipe to use cheaper high fructose corn syrup instead of cane sugar.29 This reduces the price impact of the tax but makes the product potentially worse in terms of its health effect.30 However, reformulation can also be positive for health, for example, the replacement of sugar with natural sweeteners resulting in soft drinks with 30% lower sugar content.31 Thus, taxes may have both positive and negative health effects through reformulation strategies, but of concern is that these effects are very difficult to predict in advance. Possible policy options in a NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT single tax rate, regardless of their income would there. 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