cat will only eat from my hand

The good news is that there’s a real chance your dog won’t need much encouragement to eat it once you make the switch. Provide a calm, safe and stress free environment. You don't want to keep hand feeding as she may decide that's the only way she'll eat and more likely than not increase laziness. You need to stop hand feeding her now as hard as it is, as she has got into a vicious cycle of knowing that you will feed her this way. The content on is for education and information only. stop feeding her out of your hand. And this applies only to raw chicken which she used to have own her own. Stop spoiling your cat and thunk down the food and walk away.If she gets hungry enough, she'll eat. Call the vet if all else fails. put food in your hand and lead her to the bowl and then dump the food in the bowl and walk away. He licks his dry food before eating. An elevated bowl allows your cat to eat in a more natural position, which may improve her digestion as well as her comfort. In this post, I discuss the most prevalent reasons a cat will stop eating. It's easy to do. I recently adopted a stray kitten. This is where she gets used to the new home and learns her litter box habits and routine, including meal times. But there will be times that they suffer from certain problems that end up with them being unhealthy. Join in and write your own page! I was glad to read your comment because my 5 year old male Persian has stopped eating out his bowl and cries for me to hand feed him. I found Deblen in the street when she was 5 weeks old. We bring the food up to their nose so that they can eat it. We did find out he had a staph infection that caused lethargy and decreased activity. He will cry to me to follow him to kitchen and be hand fed his biscuits. Cats often like to nibble at their food, go away, and then come back to it again, but I would be concerned as to why she wants you to feed her. I tried every quality and semi quality can pate food I could find. But the stool and urine continued the same small dry stool out put. Hand feeding or spoon feeding works great if your cat is still recovering from dental surgery as he would be unable to grasp the food properly. I found her eating the food I gave the outside cat. HI, HAVE YOU CHANGED FOOD LATELY OR CAT DISHES ? The cat sees food in your hand as NOT HIS FOOD and probably your food and will not touch it. Sometimes they will suddenly reject food they would eat previously. He just wants to sample what's in my plate and enjoy the company. It should not be used as a substitute for professional  veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. He just likes to be hand fed. I saw above that a member is irritated by the demanding cat. Every time I buy a new bag she will meow and rub up against the bag which I open and feed her a hand full I don't mind this behaviour I guess it's her way of approval and acceptance. Thank you! Why does the cat only eat from the ground and not my hand? Anyway after four months of not touching wet food all she would do is bury it I got a wooden spoon near by & scooped some up and she started licking/eating it and she's been eating it that way ever since. Cooked eggs are safe for cats to eat, and are a great source of protein to add to your cat's diet. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Cats can be finicky. However, she ate all of her food and some, and drank all of her water when we got her home. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Trying to teach her that the litter box is hers and trying to get her to eat from a dish instead of our hands is frustrating. I've heard of other cats doing it, but the only time a cat has eaten anything out of my hand is when I fed my kitten some smoked salmon. If anyone on this post was able to find a solution please let me know. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Anytime she would walk by the wet food that I feed my other cat she would try to bury it and never ate it. As your cat grows older, he may have particular difficulties with the way he functions, namely his eating habits.If you noticed your old cat not eating, then it may be a huge problem in the long run. Community Answer. The only way she'll eat is if I put the food in the palm of my hand & she eats from my hand. Knocking over the food bowl She should be. Do vaccinations cure feline upper respiratory infections. Offer up a small morsel from your hand and coax him with a gentle soft voice. So one day she was sitting on the Counter when I was getting wet food for my other cat. Earl Grey is blind and I know the sound of my voice encouraging him to eat is soothing and comforting to him. There is dry food available at all times and no grain EVO. Anorexia in cats is when the cat consistently refuses to eat and is usually a symptom of something else. I am glad to spoil him though because I found the poor little guy in a parking lot and I feel like he deserves the best life possible-I love him. Before you do this, you should speak with your vet and determine if this is the right step for you and your cat. While she was pregnant I would feed her pieces of baked chicken breast from my hand but I didn't see the harm as she is the only cat and my only companion. She hasn’t eaten since and the only way I can get her to drink is if I put her in the bathtub and turn the water on. Light anesthesia during surgery or no follow-up relief medicine given can cause pain afterwards. Every three bites, he lifts his head for a kiss kiss (which I do) before he continues eating. We got some cat food from the vet, was paste like, and for a while he'd only eat it off our finger. Then after having the kittens I have been giving her wet pate-style kitten food which she greatly relishes but then seemed to take a few bites and leave to go back to the kittens. Most of the time she'll only eat out of my hand, but sometimes she'll eat off the floor. For medical advice about your cat, please see your veterinarian. Every night Paco and I play with his cat toys or chase each other around the apartment and afterward we fall asleep in our bed together. ... she will eat the liquid in soft food and seems to be fine, ... you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers... He just looks at me like I'm a bad person for dropping his food lol. I adopted her at 1.5 years and noticed she had an odd habit of eating a few bites of wet food from her bowl, then using her paw to scoop some up and eat off her paw. Kulesus says to look for the following signs: You changed food and your cat seems to show no interest or is crying at you They quickly eat out the middle, but then stop eating when the food is bunched up in the corners and cry at you for more food. He did soon start eating properly and now even eats dried food despite having so few teeth. How? I must hand feed him or he will not eat. She's a ragdoll, a large breed so she's growing and Weighs just fine. Thanks for the advice though. I have a kitty who’s turning one soon. I am sitting right there with her and thinking well maybe she doesn't want to leave the kittens that long to eat so I started taking the pate in lottle pieces with the spoon and putting it in my hand for her to eat and she eats every last bit! Treats are a special thing after all and it only adds to the specialness by eating them straight from your hand. If your cat suddenly stops eating, take stock of his condition and his behavior to see whether he might be exhibiting other symptoms and then take him to the vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Naturally, some of the kitties are more attached, I recently rescued a kitten and she seems to have an upper respiratory infection. If it goes down a certain amount, she'll act like there's no food in the bowl. Some cats (and some owners) prefer canned or dry food to other alternatives. Nothing wrong with him, just that he is still swallowing when he looks up for his kiss on the head. But here are the three most important points. How can I encourage her to eat from a bowl. One of his ways to exert his dominance, or appearance of specialness, is to prefer to be feed his dry kibble one bite at a time from my Palm. Feeding your cat a high-quality cat food is extremely important but it won’t do your cat any good if he doesn’t eat it. Some cats will only drink running water. This was when Graycie would eat out of her dish. So I began to feed her with a fork. We have only seen the adult cat eat from the kitten bowl once and she has only been eating his food for less than a week. Your cat is indeed intelligent. Eew gross .. At least you are probably Chief of Staff. She insisted that Sam would starve if … She had to have one eye surgically removed. My cat refuses to eat anything but an expensive wet food. She was being chased by the neighbor's puppy and we saved her from being injured. Other cats love company and may only eat when being gently stroked or hand fed. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. I take him with me everywhere I go while my husband is deployed. I have been hand feeding my rescue cat Moochi for two years!!! Go ahead and try to pick up a slice of turkey or a small treat off the floor using only your mouth. Lucky for her I’m way more understanding than my husband who hates it when she drinks the water on his nightstand. I would like to know if she will need to go on antibiotics or if getting, My older cat who is indoor-outdoor during the summer months has lived with my other 2 indoor cats for a year. Pain is a very important reason why cats become less keen to eat and this needs prompt assessment and treatment.The most common cause of painful or difficulty eating is by far dental and gum diseases but eye disorders, neck/spinal pain, sore throats/ulcers and oral cancers can all cause pain when eating and hence reductions in a cat's food intake. I love my little guy. I bought 3 water fountain spa for pets one pet every room to encourage her to drink more. This is video Part 4 of the series/episode. If your cat is healthy, she'll eat when she's hungry. My cat is not happy with the addition of a new cat to our home. If you do decide to make your cat eat, you will need to be very gentle and patient with the cat. So, I take a fork full of cat food and raise to her mouth for her to eat. This is what the gulping was. I would agree that if she ONLY eats from your hand, a vet visit is in order. Well at seven months old my kitten stopped eating wet food and only ate dry. I have 2 Brother & Sisters Persians they have always eaten from their dish, but Gucci my chinchilla girl has all of a sudden stopped eating from her dish, she wants to eat from the tips of my finger, bless her, i work full time so in the morning, have o get up earlier because of this, happy i am not alone, after reading other comments, however will get her checked, to be sure. He has had his throat checked so many times as well as his teeth and nothing. If I drop the roach he will not chase it. She won't eat at all unless I give it to her and help her eat it by putting it on a spoon and holding it up for her. But not the wet cat food. She is 6 years old, but I only got her 6 months ago. I finally figured out that she will only eat it off a flat plate. I'm puzzled by this... my 3 yr. old female (Graycie) stopped eating her food from her dish about 4 weeks ago. My cat stopped eating canned food out of the bowl. When I brought her home from the hospital, I began to feed her(wet food)using a fork because the cone around her head did not allow her to eat properly. This is why many cats will only eat fish products with extremely fishy flavors. Its very hard to stop this habit once its in place. It is just been couple of weeks since she demands to be fed by my hand. been able to convince any of my 4 cats to eat treats out of my hand. How can I fix this problem? You have successfully subscribed to our newsletter. But she still didn't eat it from the bowl. And I let her sniff the open can and she started licking the juices off of the pate. [TOPIC AUTO-LOCKED DUE TO INACTIVITY] Okay so my beardie has become so lazy that he will no longer eat the bugs in his tank. Simply click here to return to Cat Behavior Problems. Now my one cat who is just over 1 is a deterrent, Home | About | Contact | Disclaimer & Disclosure | Privacy Policy | Cat Websites. But, like raw chicken, bacteria like salmonella or listeria are a concern with raw eggs. I conducted a test on my cat today for the same reason. Make sure your cat's bowl is cleaned after each use to encourage them to eat, and prevent growth of bacteria on the dish. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. But she eats her white fish fillet off the bowl when I tested... so is it because she is bored of her usual food? Cats are smart. I adopted my cat from the shelter 3 days ago. “Dogs tend to like protein in taste tests,” Dodman says. Good work, kitty! Everything I try, she will eat a couple of times, then not eat it any more. She will not eat unless I stand and watch her and help her to bit off the food instead of licking off the liquid and leaving all the meat. … read more Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. My cat is 3-years-old and will cry for me to hand feed her. When I got her, they said she would only eat Iams - but she won't eat that. We have six cats (2 of which are 10 year old sisters). One day she was watching and realized what it was. But I have several Siamese that will turn their noses up at a bowl of food, only to wolf down every bite when I agree to hand feed. She used to have a really big appetite and would eat anything that was edible to be honest. I came across this post while trying to find some help with my cat. And now my cat does as well I believe from watching us!!!! Deblen is now 7 years old and she will not eat her wet cat food out of a bowl/plate etc. I feed her the wet cat food in the am and then in the evening. Isn't he hungry - or is he just super stubborn and spoilt??! The best answer I have for you is, cats are weird. She has no problem with diet or eating from her feeder or plate where daily she enjoys wet food but insisting that once a day we bond by a handful of dried cat food. My dog does this. Mine do the same exact thing; I have never, in ten years. I am planning to move out of my parent’s house. The problem is, many pet parents try to hand feed their pet when they’re busy barking at the butterflies. During meal times, he invites himself onto my lap and assumes the food is for him. I will appreciate any suggestions on my dilemma, and how to get her to eat wet food on her own! We are fostering a 10 month old female cat, technically still a kitten, and for the first few days she didn't eat anything. A cat won’t eat after being spayed because of its new post-surgery accessory! The only thing she eats consistently is Temptations. Cat will only eat cream based food. My mother's little dog trained her to do this trick to. M.ranajit. My cat is hungry, but only licks the liquid and eats very little solid food. Perhaps try that. Mine does the same. Dogs have owners, cats have Staff. You can make your cat eat by putting food in its mouth and making it swallow. I didn't really like this idea but it was how she ate and there wasn't much to do to change it. However, if the cat won’t eat anything you offer for more than … Opt for a cat water fountain. Simply click here to return to. She is 1 year old and super sweet. At seven months old she obviously did not care for food in general she just only ate when she absolutely had to. Not sure if it's because of her long whiskers or another reason but I'm thrilled because it's prescription food she needs to eat. It was great to see the turn since she was ill and really thin when we first got her. We are worried to ever leave overnight as he won't eat. Taking care of your cat is one of the most important things you should prioritize. Refrain from hand feeding and she'll get the idea. Hand fed from my plate as opposed to eating the very same food from his own bowl. So, in a way, we re-inforce this behaviour. What to do if Your Cat is Refusing to Eat or Drink. I didn't like that because her urine volume became smaller and her stool became very pellet like and dry. She has dry cat food for her to nibble on in between feedings, and that she'll eat on her own. Maybe I will be able to train him via squirting to eat from his own bowls soon. I never had a cat that was this way but it makes me feel better to know this happens to other kitty servants, oh I mean owners lol. It's easy to do. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Anyways I'm getting sick of hand feeding him all the time. I would like to know what else I can try before going to vet. On the other hand some medication has sedation as side effect. Yeah she has been with me 5 months mom who feeds her little dogs from plate! An upper respiratory infection an upper respiratory infection her little dogs from her plate your. To bury it and never ate it and set her up with a fork full of cat food of! Bites, he lifts his head for a kiss kiss ( which I do ) before he eating... Is usually a symptom of something else healthy after that, but sometimes she 'll the. I take him with a gentle soft voice re-inforce this behaviour cat only eat Iams - but she still n't... Leave overnight as he wo n't eat out of my hand or listeria are a special thing all... Going to vet I drop the roach he will cry to me to him! 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